Case Study

Jacket installation onboard jack-up rig


Offshore Wind


Jacket installation onboard jack-up rig

What we delivered

Working closely with an international marine services client, ROVOP supported the jacket installation process by supplying two ROVs with bespoke loadouts to a jack-up vessel in the Netherlands.

With a technically superior solution required, the client received Seaeye Panther XT Plus 50 and 58 models. As the high-thrust, high-payload versions of the proven Panther series of light work class ROV systems, these ROVs were chosen for their ability to carry full survey spreads in shallow water and high current applications.

These systems are also capable of interfacing with state-of-the-art sensors and tools, and carry two Schilling manipulators (one seven and one four function).

The scope was successfully completed following thorough seabed surveys, before assisting with the placement of the jacket during installation.

